a ceremony for every occasion

milestone ceremonies
Milestone ceremonies mark the transitions in our lives. Every year is marked by of seasonal changes and Holidays. Personally, our lives are marked with birthdays and educational milestones. Milestone ceremonies are a way to mark and celebrate these events. Solstice and Equinox ceremonies have been celebrated since ancient times and connect us with the rhythms of the Earth. Changes in our lives are transitions from one phase of life to another. A Milestone Ceremony has the power to help us release the past and move into the new phase with the support of others and thoughtful deliberateness.
I am skilled at creating a personalized and meaningful milestone ceremonies for all of life’s transitions. Weddings, births, adoptions, graduations, house warmings, business openings or closings, coming of age, croning or eldering, divorce, empty nest, retirement and funerals are all life milestones that can benefit from ceremony.
Religion has traditionally taken care of our innate need for ceremony. In our Modern Times, religions play less of a role, but that does not decrease our need for ceremony. Let’s craft a ceremony together to commemorate an important transition in your life or that of your loved one.

baby welcoming
Celebrate Your New Family Member Your Way.

your wedding
Eloquent, Profound, Meaningful. Custom Designed for you.

milestone ceremonies
Birthdays, Anniversaries

funeral & memorial planning services
A Unique Tribute to Your Loved One